Another stronghold to be captured by Taliban fighters is the capital, Kabul

 Another stronghold to be captured by Taliban fighters is the capital, Kabul

Taliban militants have seized one large and important city in Afghanistan after another. Thousands of displaced civilians have fled to the relatively safe capital, Kabul.

Mazar-e-Sharif, the stronghold of the Afghan government and army, has also been captured by the Taliban, making it difficult to protect the country's major cities and capitals.

According to the BBC, the attack is the biggest blow to the Afghan government. Mazar-i-Sharif, the capital of Balkh province and the last stronghold of pro-government forces, has also been seized by insurgents.

It is said that the militant group has now reached near Kabul and is preparing to capture Kabul. Earlier, it was said that if Mazar-e-Sharif was taken over by the Taliban, it would be difficult to secure the capital Kabul. Afghanistan is currently facing such a difficult situation.

The Taliban's offensive has become more widespread as US troops, who have been stationed in Afghanistan for 20 years, begin withdrawing. But there are still reports of US airstrikes targeting the Taliban in areas entering Kabul to protect it.

US intelligence estimates that the Taliban could try to enter Kabul within 30 days. Violent clashes are taking place in another city, some 40 miles [40 km] from Kabul.

The situation in Afghanistan has raised concerns in the international community, including the United Nations. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the situation in Afghanistan is spiraling out of control and that the greatest cost to the war will be paid by the civilian population.

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