YouTube Trial Hiding Dislike Counts On Videos


YouTube Trial Hiding Dislike Counts On Videos

Pic Source : Pixaby

YouTube is the second largest Search Engine in the internet.
With About 2.3 billion active user , 300 millions of videos are uploaded in YouTube in every hours with  Almost 5 billion videos are watched on Youtube every single day.  

In present context , Many people are earning money from YouTube by being YouTube creator. They Uploads their videos on YouTube Where viewers will interact/Watched their videos and May they give their opinion through Like or dislike button or comments. But it is officially announced that YouTube is testing hiding or removing dislike button on some creators videos. Soon These facilities will be available to all of us.

When YouTube officially announced through Twitter , It gets huge negative impact From both Small as well as big creator too. Creators are saying that if video is worst , or it is Scam then. 

According to Mandi Livingston from Quora , He / She opinion towards YouTube these decisions is 

Taking away the dislike button would suck. If we don’t have the dislike button then we cant get feedback. I No major effect will happen just positive likes will be there this will result in following:

1. No video and every video will be      best.

2. No chances of Improvements for the video maker.

3.Make YouTube dull and non exciting place for advertisers as they may not be able to choose between videos based on likes.

4. Competition and analysis of videos will be hard for subscribers and video watchers. 

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