Office Management Class 11 Business studies




Office is the place where clerical and Paper work are done. It is the place where from low level post to high level post done there different tasks and have different duties and responsibilities.
It is the place where all the functions relating to adminstration , management , and control are performed.

Some of the Definition of Office by scholar on different view are as follows

According to tradition view

J.C Center - Office is a place where                                   clerical operations are                                    carried on.

According to modern view

Edward Roche;

Office exists anywhere , where certain kinds of works are performed. It is a mistake to regard an office as a specific place. Just as a tree is known by it's fruits , so also a business office is known by functions it discharge.

Some of the Functions of office are 

1. Receiving and collecting information

2. Processing and arranging information

3. Communicating and Supplying information

4. Retention of records

5. Maintaining Public Relations

6. Developing office Systems

Some of the Importance of office are

1. Office is the solid proof of the legal existence of an organisation.

2. Office is information center which provides the information relating to business transaction.

3. Office helps to store and protects of different records.

4. Office Furnishes the machinery for coordinators.

5. Office is considered as the most significant elements of the organisation by it's customer because it provides a link between the business firm and it's customer.

Concept of Office management

Office management is the process of planning , organising , directing , coordinating , communication and controlling the administrative functions of an office in order to achieve specific objectives of the organisation.

Functions of office management

1. Planning

2. Organizing

3. Directing

4. Directing

5. Controlling

Importance of office management

1. It helps to reduce and avoid delays in work performed of it's different sections and department.

2. It plans and allocates enough resources , speedy performance is assured.

3. It establishes effective internal control system.

4. It does effective co- ordination

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