Aama ko Sapana Exercise : Question Answers and Grammar | Neb Class 12


Aama ko Sapana Exercise : Question Answers and Grammar | Mother's dream

 Lesson 1

Mother's dream


1. Pair between words that have the same meaning:

Usha – Bright
dreams – Hope for a happy future or imagination
Youth – Youth
– Youth – Struggling
struggle – Fight
inertia – Foolishness
hope – Desire to get what you want

2. Search and write a word that matches the meaning from the text:

(a) Small drops of water falling on the ground, trees, leaves, etc. at night: Cold (b) Instrument made from bamboo, swallow, etc. played by turning it to the right groin with the
lips: Flute
(c) Ability to take or hold: Ability
to create eclipse
(d) Creativity (e) To be satisfied or to be satisfied : Consolation
(f) Wind speeding: Wind

3. Write a synonym for the given word and use them in a sentence:

Air: Air pollution
is heavy, so it remains in the city for a long time.

Mother: Mother,
we should not hurt the feelings of the mother.

Madhur: I was slow
when I heard my friend's voice.

Garima: Pride
expressed both the pride and grace of her own power.

Compassion: Compassion
There is no mercy or compassion in human beings.

City: City
We left the city last Thursday night.

Efficient: Efficient, efficient
Capital has a highly efficient public transport system.

Solitude: There
is a need for a deserted place in a deserted time.

Earth: Earth
Earth is the only planet that supports life.

Baby: The
mother takes good care of the child.

4. Describe your birthplace using the following proverbs:

I was born about 17 years ago in Bisaltar, a

beautiful village in Nepal, a beautiful village in Nepal. Bisaltar, a village made up of green bricks in the hills, is a piece of my heart. Like the lost point in Sindu, my village is the beat of my heart even though it looks small in the land of Nepal. Although my village looks good from a natural point of view, people go to other cities in search of beauty, just as the nearby pilgrimage is said.

Tourism in the village could have increased if people had come to visit the village instead of eating the smoke and dust of the cities, as one called the Thuki Suki Hundred called the Thuki River. It may be possible to fill everything together, just as one hand does not clap. For me, the people of my village are the mother of the dead. In the behavior of the people here, the principle that they are good and good in the world is forgotten. The people of my village have become friendly and have stayed together.

5. Combine the given terminological words in a dictionary sequence and write down their meaning with the help of a dictionary:

Civil, Criminal, Wares, Sarzameen Muchulka, Ordinance, Advocate, Bill, Bail, Bigo, Bench, Kayalnama, Deadline, Verification, Date

Arranged by sequence:

Advocate, Ordinance, Bench, Kayalnama, Bail, Date, Civil, Criminal, Bigo, Muchhulka, Wares, Bill, Identity, Status, Deadline



Dealing with or resolving cases other than criminal cases


Relating to judicial action for offences like beating, theft, dacoity, murder etc.




The place where the related incident occurred or was in trouble


Statement paper written by the people of Sarzameen


Special when parliament is not in session


Officer-level lawyer


Draft law before it was passed by parliament


mortgage, deposit


Improperly taken money or a certain amount claimed in that money




A document that admits a crime, crime, or mistake


last term


The act of identifying or identifying, unclaimed corpses, etc.


The date written by the court asking Jhagadia or his heir to come to appear

perception and expression

3. Read the given passage and answer the questions asked:

(a) Who are you to say 'that' and 'you'?

'That' is a revolution or a heroic warrior or revolutionary son born in the future, and 'you' means children.

(b) Why is there a need for revolution?

The poem, which was created around 2000 B.S., calls for a revolution to bring about change and health in the Nepali society, which has been polluted by the increasing injustice-atrocities of autocratic rule, clean repression, corruption, corruption, and anomalies.

(c) What does it mean to say that 'it comes more touching than snow and fire'?

To say that "it comes more than snow and fire" means a revolution that no one can stop. It is more powerful than fire and water.

(d) What style is used in the above poem?

In the above poem, prose conversational style is used.

4. Read the following poem and write the answer to the questions asked:

(a) What was the mother's dream?

Because of her constant pain, the mother aspired to see every child born now as a brave adventurer and warrior, but such a change was not from her present generation but only from her future generation and it was a strong dream to get rid of herself.

(b) What does it mean to say that "that sweet song has not made you your flute"?

The mother's desire was to give birth to patriotic children and give freedom by making them revolution fighters. The mother saw a shadow of change on her child's black face. I had heard the sweet sound of change in parrot speech. However, the mother expressed concern that the song could not make a flute to bring sweet music to her children. This is what it means to say that 'that sweet song has made you your flute'.

5. Discuss what 'mother' and 'son' are used as symbols in the poem.

Poet Gopal Prasad Rimal, who has been established as the first prose poet in the Nepali literary world, is a social reformer who raises voice by presenting love, distortion, anomalies through his poetry. This "mother's dream " was also written by this famous poet. In this poem, he has made it clear that nepali society has become stinky due to the dirty of tyranny, injustice, tyranny, exploitation, oppression, evil, corruption, distortion, anomalies. The poem expresses the need for revolution to bring change in Nepali society through the dialogue of mother and son.

The poet said that due to the instability in the country after the end of the Rana rule, there has been a lot of problems in the country and due to this, the pace of development of the country has also stopped. Through this poem composed in the year 2000 B.S., the poet has conveyed the message that our society is caught in the trap of political stench and a revolution should be made to make it healthy. The poem presents the hope of change from the future generations of Mother Nepal, who has suffered from exploitation, oppression, oppression, evils and distortions. Nepal's mother has a desire to see every child born now as a brave brave warrior because of the constant pain she is getting. However, she has expressed a strong feeling that such changes will happen only from her future generation and not from her present generation.

Finally, in this poem, the poet has shown Nepal as a mother and the people as a son. Mother Nepal expects bravery from her people. Unable to get her hope from the present people, Mother Nepal hopes that the future generations will now be aware of the revolution and the morning sun will spread the rays of revolution and turn the country in a good direction.

6. Discuss and answer what environment is depicted in the poem.

Mother's Dream is included in the collection of poems (2019). This poem was published in Sharda magazine. It was first published in 2000. This poem written by Gopal Prasad Rimal, who was influenced by politics after the martyrs' scandal of 1997 B.S. and called for a revolution to establish democracy in Nepal, is a revolutionary poem filled with revolutionary consciousness.

In this poem written as a mother-son dialogue, the poet has said that Nepali society has been subjected to injustice and exploitation due to autocratic rule. Composed as the pre-anthem of the revolution of 2007, the poem expresses the belief that the dreams of the revolution will be fulfilled by ending the fears and autocracy about the revolution of the pre-Kanti and the creation of an exploitation-free democratic society. The poet has said that due to political instability, there has been a lot of problems in the country and due to this, the pace of development of the country has stopped. Without revolution, there is no peace and revolution is inevitable for the establishment of religion, truth and justice to end iniquity, untruth and injustice. In this poem, through Mother Nepal, the bitter truth that one day the storm of revolution, the storm will end and the golden dawn will come to an end. Written in 2000 B.S., this poem depicts the environment of the society at that time. The poet has said that violence, murder, atrocities have increased in the country as the government is not good and revolution is necessary to make the country healthy. The poet has warned the youth of the time that there is a lack of bravery in the present generation through poetry. The poem urges the people to bring revolution in the country with new zeal and enthusiasm and change the face of the country.

Therefore, in this poem, revolution is inevitable for the liberation of the country and the people, and in the environment of doubt and apprehension about the revolution, political awareness is increasing among the people and the voice of revolt against the autocratic regime is becoming stronger, optimistic thinking about democracy is growing, the voice of revolt is echoing even in the midst of autocracy and the optimistic attitude towards the revolution with the depiction of the atmosphere and environment of the autocratic Jahania Rana regime of Turmoil.

7. Express your reaction to what the poet is trying to say from the poem 'I don't have to shave your hair like a patient like this'.

Mother's dream poem is the best work of poet Gopal Prasad Rimal. Gopal Prasad Rimal, who has been established as the first prose poet in the Nepali literary world, is a social reformer who raises voice by presenting nature, love, distortion, and anomalies through his poetry.

In this poem written as the dialogue of mother and child, the poet has said that Nepali society has been subjected to injustice and exploitation due to autocratic rule. In this poem, she has convinced her mother by removing her son's doubts about her dream of revolution. Till date, the son of revolution has not been born, but. The son of that revolution born in the future will be a great revolutionary warrior who touches more than snow and fire, which will lead to the revolution and bring the storm of revolution, in which case the descendants of Mother Nepal will be engaged in the revolution by putting their lives against autocracy. The blood of all Nepalis will boil and patriotism will be instilled in Nasansa. In this case. Nepal's mother does not have to shave the hair of the child to the sick. The mother was comforted by misrule. They will be eager to go to the struggle for the end. Nepal liberated mother from the shackles of tyranny in the country. The children of Mother Nepal will join the revolution to bring democracy.

Finally, from this sentence, the poet has tried to express that after bringing the future generation revolution, all the Nepali people after that revolution will go a long way and will not remain sick and will raise their voice for their rights.

8. In the poem 'Mother's Dream', write a critical response based on the points given, why and how the poet envisioned the revolution to come:

Mother's dream poem is the best work of poet Gopal Prasad Rimal. In this poem, the poet has made it clear through the dialogue of mother and son that the injustice, tyranny, exploitation, oppression, evil, corruption, distortion, anomalies of the autocratic rule of Nepali society have become stinky and it is necessary to bring change in Nepali society.

Mother's dream poem is a revolutionary poem. The poem, which was created around 2000 BS, urges the people to be energetic and engage in the development of the country at a time when the country is lagging behind due to political instability after the Rana rule. Through his mother, the poet has presented in the poem that revolution is needed to imagine a beautiful future by tearing apart the injustice and tyranny of the autocratic regime. It has been said in the poem that the next generation will be faster than the wind by showing Nepal's mother as optimistic and the revolution of fierce and bright like the morning sun will come.

Finally, in the poem, the poet has expressed his vision through his mother that he would come to realize the dream of mother's prosperity by liberating Mother Nepal from the shackles of autocracy and ending the situation of nepali people finding another shelter to save their lives.

9. Write a critical answer based on the poem 'Mother's Dream', what is a mother's dream and how it can be realized.

The poem titled 'Mother's Dream' written by Gopal Prasad Rimal (B.S. 1975-2030), the first prose poet of Nepali poetry, is a poem imbued with the spirit of love for the nation and expressing excellent revolutionary thoughts. In his poems, revolutionary voices have been raised against injustice, atrocities, exploitation, oppression, evils, corruption, etc. prevalent in Nepali society. In the poem 'Mother's Dream', the poet has expressed the feeling through the dialogue between the mother and the child present in the poem that the Nepali society has become polluted by the garbage of tyranny, tyranny, distortion, disharmony and disharmony of autocratic rasak and it is necessary to make a revolution to make it healthy.

Mother's dream is revolution and change based on the theme expressed in the poem. The mother has dreamt of bringing freedom to the people by ending tyranny, injustice, tyranny, distortion, anomalies, etc. and for her children to be fearless, confident and self-reliant. Mother's optimistic view of revolution is presented in the poem. Mother Nepal wants to see the impression of revolution on the child's black face and wants to hear the voice of the revolutionary man in the parrot speech of the child. In this poem, it is also expressed that the mother of Nepal wants to play revolutionary songs by making her own children brave warriors. After the landing of the revolution, the child without revolutionary consciousness will also follow it, and after reaching the bugle of revolution, all the people will fight against the injustice and tyranny on the truth. This poem has been expanded with the aim of calling everyone to the revolution against the injustices and atrocities prevailing in the society.

In the end, the poet aspires to see every child born now because of the pain he is constantly receiving, as a brave warrior, but that kind of change will happen only from his future generation and not from his present generation and he has expressed a strong feeling that he will be saved.

10. Read the paragraph and answer the question briefly:

(a) In what ways are the languages of the world classified on the basis of hierarchy?

Based on the hierarchy, the languages of the world are classified into six types.

(b) What kind of languages are Nepali and English?

Nepali is the language with karta, karma and kriya and English karta, kriya and karma.

(c) What is the difference between grammatical hierarchy and figurative hierarchy?

In the grammatical hierarchy, there is a syntactic structure in a certain order of the doer, action and verb, while in the figurative hierarchy, the creator uses the verse to emphasize the statement or to become the top.

(d) Why is there a deviation in language?

Language deviates to give priority to language.

11. Convert a given poem into a general hierarchy and discuss and answer what the poem is trying to say:

You won't listen to the truth like you're listening to a story. You will be able to see, tolerate, and receive it yourself. Instead of giving me such patience, you will leave by consoling the heart of my mother who does not listen to me even after reminding me of a million when I go to the struggle.

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