Rocket attack near US embassy in Iraq

The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of the U.S. embassy in Baghdad's Green Zone.

An Iraqi security official said the embassy was not damaged by the rocket fire. The attack came as Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Khadimi returned home from Washington after talks at the White House on Monday.

US President Joe Biden has announced that he will withdraw US combat troops from Iraq by the end of this year. He said the US military would provide training and advice to Iraqi forces in Iraq, albeit in small numbers.

He made the remarks during a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. There are currently more than 2,500 US troops in Iraq.

Attacks targeting U.S. civil society groups in Iraq occur almost daily, according to local news outlets.

The Islamic State group has a growing presence in Iraq. The U.S. military is assisting the Iraqi army in its fight against Islamic State militants.

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