Importance of Discipline ( English Essay )- Gamesandblogs

 Importance of Discipline ( English Essay )- Gamesandblogs.

Discipline is obedience. Nature also follows the rules. The earth revolves around the sun at a certain speed and on this basis the process of day and night continues. Even the vast ocean has its limits. Summer and winter also come regularly. In the same way, wind, clouds, mountains, fire, trees, etc. all run according to their own rules. Human life also depends on this kind of discipline of nature. If nature is disciplined, the very existence of human life is in crisis. Such discipline found in nature has become an inspiration for man.

Discipline is essential for human beings. A person who follows discipline attains a high position and prestige in the society. Such a person is considered good in the eyes of everyone. The field of discipline is also very wide. Discipline is needed in all fields from family to society, religion, culture, politics, finance etc. In a family, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, etc. should all respect and love each other. Discipline includes the values ​​of respecting one another, adhering to social norms, helping one another as much as possible in times of distress, and not discriminating against others. The main duty of every person is to follow the rules and regulations of the religion he believes in. In the same way, everyone should follow the cultural values ​​and beliefs. More discipline is inevitable in the political arena. Even if the politicians are undisciplined, it affects the entire nation, the entire people. If there is no discipline in the financial sector, no nation, society and individual will prosper, so the importance of discipline in this sector also falls sharply. Similarly, discipline in government and non-government offices, police service and army is essential. Tsaiya must strictly adhere to discipline in these areas. If discipline is not followed in these various areas, the situation will become frighteningly serious and human life will become chaotic.

Discipline is very important in student life. An undisciplined student can achieve unparalleled success in his studies if he does not do well. A student who literally follows the rules of the school, humbles his teacher and pays attention to what he has taught will become a good citizen and his future will be bright. Just as the morning indicates the day, student life indicates what the future holds for a person, good or bad. Therefore, every student should study with discipline to ensure a good future. Undisciplined students lead to arrogance, chaos, and perversion. Such students should regret a lot in the future.

Discipline must be followed from within. It is appropriate for everyone to work consciously within the framework of social policy and rules. Only a person who is disciplined can teach others the lesson of discipline. A person who is not disciplined cannot be disciplined by anyone else. In the same way, the discipline that is maintained by creating discipline to others through punishment, fear and intimidation is temporary, such discipline does not last forever. Everyone needs to be disciplined first. In this sense, self-discipline is the first condition of discipline.

A person who is not disciplined is like a horse without a bridle. He can't do anything in life. His life is also risky. But a person who follows the path of discipline can reach the pinnacle of success in life. Discipline makes not only the individual but also the family, society, nation and the world polite, civilized and cultured. There is no doubt that following discipline is good for everyone.

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Written by ; Rupak Bhattarai 

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