Class 11 English Book NEB PDF

 Section I: Language Development

S.N. Unit

1 Education and Humanity

2 Communication

3 Media and Society

4 History and Culture

5 Life and Love

6 Health and Excercise

7 Ecology and Development

8 Humour and Satire

9 Democracy and Human Rights

10 Home Life and Family Relationship

11 Arts and Creation

12 Fantasy

13 Career and Entrepreneurship

14 Power and Politics 

15 War and Peace

16 Critical Thinking

17 Globalization and Diaspora 

Section II: Literature

Unit 1 Short Stories

1 The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

2 The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allan Poe

3 God Sees the Truth but Waits by Leo Tolstoy

4 The Wish by Roald Dahl

5 Civil Peace by Chinua Achebe

6 Two Little Soldiers by Guy de Maupassant

7 An Astrologer’s Day by R. K. Narayan

Unit 2 Poems

1 Corona Says by Vishnu S. Rai

2 A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns

3 All the World's a Stage by William Shakespeare

4 Who are you, little i? by E. E. Cummings

5 The Gift in Wartime by Tran Mong Tu

Unit 3 Essays

1 Sharing Tradition by Frank LaPena

2 How to Live Before You Die by Steve Jobs

3 What I Require From Life by J.B.S. Haldane

4 What is Poverty? by Jo Goodwin Parker

5 Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind’s Survival by Vladimir Keilis-Borok

Unit 4 One Act Plays

1 Trifles by Susan Glaspell

2 A Sunny Morning by Serafin and Foaquin Alvarez Quintero

3 Refund by Fritz Karinthy

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