How to apply for Coursera Financial Aid

Coursera is one of the most popular online learning platform mailay developed by Stanford university. 

If you can't afford course in Coursera them you can apply for financial aid at that time.

You can write below given sentence to apply for financial aid in Coursera.

 As I am student and have no job. I can't afford money for course. I am a business studies student , I have little bit ideas of project management and role of project manager in an organisation and I am fond of learning This. But due to lack of enough financial condition I am unable to read. So I am applying to financial aid so that I am able to learn and get professional certificate after completion of course.

As we all knows that project manager are one of the most searched professional today days. Also this certificate is provided by one of the biggest tech company in the world named Google. So , this certificate helps to uplift my carrers and also makes me able to learn new things that I don't know. Also build my carrers.

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