UEFA investigates Denmark goalkeeper in laser light game against England

 UEFA investigates Denmark goalkeeper in laser light game against England

By shishir Bhattarai

The European Football Association (UEFA) has begun scrutinizing England, who have reached the final of the European Championship 2020. 
In the semi-final between Denmark and England on Wednesday night, the laser was shown to Danish goalkeeper Caspar Smikel. UEFA has launched an investigation into England, saying the behavior violated this spirit. 
 England reached the final with 21 overtime wins at Wembley. But after the fans violated the spirit of the game, UEFA launched an investigation. 

An additional 30 minutes was added after the match ended in 11 draws. England penalized the 104th minute. Before Kane was punished, the supporter smiled and showed a green laser beam in his face. 
 Smiley cut the penalty first, but Kane scored with a rebound to give England the victory. In a television scene, a laser light appeared on a smiling face. 
 UEFA has also launched an investigation into England in response to allegations that its supporters shouted "the country of Denmark" and "circulate the turmoil." UEFA said control, ethics and discipline mechanisms will investigate this issue.  

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