Surrender by former South African President Jacob Zuma to Police

 Jacob Zuma who is  South Africa's former president , he  hands himself over to police.

Former South African President Jacob Zuma Surrender himself in to the police. He was sentenced to 15 months in prison for contempt of court. He is considered to have survived attempts prior to deportation following Mr. Kang's intervention. 

He was hurried to a jail near his residence on Wednesday evening, local time, officials said. He surrendered only when the time period was running out as he was directed to surrender on time. 

Her daughter also wrote on social media that her father was leaving to comply with the court order and that her morale was high. He was sentenced to 15 months in prison for disobeying an earlier order to present evidence during a corruption hearing during his nine-year tenure. 

The First time in the history , yes This is the first time in South Africa that a former president has been sentenced to life in prison.

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