Social media and internet addiction among Children and Youths

Social media and internet addiction among Children and Youths

What actually internet addiction Means?

- using Internet is not simply regards as internet addiction.

Internet addiction refers to use of social media like Facebook , Twitter , YouTube , Instagram etc without giving priority to others importance works.

internet addiction is one of the most challenging phage for today kids. It doesn't only affects the kids ,  also it affects to younger ones too.

In Present Context , it is true that we are not using internet , internet is using to us. 

Due to Online Classes and Online Homeworks Children are fond of Using mobile phone. They have more addiction on mobile phone for Playing games and for using social media. 

If You want to Know weather your child is addiction on social media or not observed :

If your toddler spends an excessive amount of time at the Internet, compulsive conduct can also additionally develop. This can cause a web addiction, which similar to another kind of addiction, can ruin a wholesome stability of pursuits and sports to your teen’s life. Children’s Internet addiction can affect their academic performance; in addition, it can lead to reduced physical activity, eating and sleep disorders, in addition to a waste of money, this habit can also lead to visual and mental fatigue.  The remedies for Internet addiction include: There are several ways to solve this problem; for example, preventing children from going to Internet cafes, restricting their pocket money, closing Internet access, and seeking help from a counselor or psychiatrist. A distraction strategy to find alternative ways to spend time and engage in healthy activities. However, there are no specific guidelines for Internet addiction, and many doctors encounter difficulties in dealing with such conditions. 

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