Multinational companies with their roles and importance

 Multinational companies with their roles and importance

Multinational companies

Multinational companies which is also called global or trans-national corporation owns and manages business in two or more countries.

Some of the multinational companies with their headquarters are

1. Google - United States of America

2. Apple - united states of America

3. Microsoft - United States of America

4. Nokia -.Finland

5. Sony - Japan

6. DHL - German 

7. Nestle - Switzerland

Multinational companies

Above are the some of the multinational companies which are operating their business in more than two or more countries.

Role and importance of Multinational companies:

1. It helps to mobilize capital and transfer technology and management skills to developing countries through their subsidiaries.

2. It helps to provide employment opportunities to large number of people as it is operated in more countries, so many people from different parts of country will get employment opportunities.

3. It creates an environment of healthy competition in the domestic market.

4. It helps to increase country GDP.

5. They are the major sources of foreign currencies for many countries. So , establishment of multinational companies helps to earn foreign currencies.

6. Multinational companies pays huge amount of tax to the government in different forms like : in the form of tax , excise duty , tax , Value added tax and others corporate taxes.

7. In multinational companies, production of goods and services are done in huge amount , which helps to bring efficiency.

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