KP Sharma Oli while addressing the Nation

 KP Sharma Oli while addressing the Nation says

The mandate was in my favor, the order was in Deuba's favor. I am not greedy for preaching. Important works including implementation of the constitution have been done during my tenure. The groundwork has been laid for all Nepalis to be vaccinated within the next few months. Democracy is not a matter of livelihood for me, it is a matter of life for me. I have not resorted to apolitical manipulation, improper means other than politics. We have moved ahead with the reconstruction work on the structures damaged by the floods and landslides. The people will show how historic the decision of the Supreme Court will be yesterday. I never allowed the situation to give importance to my selfishness. It's amazing! The Prime Minister was removed from the court which is nowhere in the world, the Prime Minister was removed. The CPN (UML) government was overthrown, the development work was done faster than why it was overthrown, the people were worried about the relief, the children, women, senior citizens, there was no other reason to remove it. It was also heard that the elected president was removed without even being an ordinary member. Go to court and fight the issue and become the Prime Minister. I do not want to go among the people. Is this Karesabari's fight?

Also he added "The government under my leadership is the most successful government in history. I firmly believe that no one can stop the path of development that we have started. It is cloudy for a while and then the sun will rise by removing the clouds. 

According to K.P Oli "Our need today is to be united. At this time, there was a need to strengthen national sovereignty and independence, but that did not happen. Today's politics is trying to go in the opposite direction, 'Oli said. Let the election be on time. But I doubt it. Whatever happens, development is happening, it is doubtful that the parliament and the government will move forward safely. '

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