The goal of my life essay

 The goal of my life

(target my soul)

Everyone is born with a purpose. Everyone has a goal. We must be able to achieve our goals by understanding our inner potential. There are many obstacles to achieving our goals, but we must never give up. Such a person can do something in life and even immortalize his life and die. Take for example Laxmi Prasad Devkota Prithivi Narayan Shah etc. They had a hard time achieving their goals. In the same way, we should not give up and start achieving our goal from today. If we work hard as children, it will be easier for us to reach our goals later.   

Everyone in this world is born with some skill and art. We must understand that ability and work hard to make it flourish. After that, our lives go smoothly. Happiness after suffering is sweet, just as we can achieve happiness only after suffering.

Choosing goals in life can be difficult, but our skills are giving us many opportunities to move forward. We should not miss such opportunities. Our goal may not be big but small work should not be small. We must focus our minds on achieving our goals. Problems should be pushed back and life should be put in one place.

A great man has said that when a man speaks, he achieves his goal.
I want to be a social worker 
Many people are born into this world. Some of them become doctors pilots police, etc. Many have succeeded in making a name for themselves in the world by accomplishing this goal. I want to be known for helping this society and country. I want to be the leader of this country. I want to contribute as much as I can to move the country towards development.

In the beginning, I will focus on my studies and study up to higher. Later, I will work in an organization and open my own organization. In it, I will provide free education food and clothes to the poor and helpless people We know that thousands of people are dying every day because there is no hospital in our country. I will petition the government to make the health sector even stronger by agitating to solve such problems. I will appeal to the government to give jobs to the poor and uneducated citizens in our country. 

In our country, Nepal, every day, 1750 people, i.e. leaders, leave Nepal and go abroad. I will move forward on the issue of giving good work and fair price by the Government of Nepal to the citizens who have to go abroad due to not getting fair price of work in Nepal.

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