Experience of Perth, Australia as an International students

When I found out that my visa to study in Australia got accepted, I was overjoyed and couldn't wait to go. I quickly booked my ticket and made my way to Australia, full of excitement. But once I arrived, I faced the harsh reality of how tough it was to find a job. The initial happiness started to fade, and I even considered going back to my home country. However, I realized how important it was to have someone to rely on in a foreign land.

The Power of Connections:

Luckily, I had a relative in Australia who was my uncle, even though we hadn't met before. He was a friend of my dad and offered his help. His support was like a lifeline during those challenging times. With his assistance, I managed to overcome the initial obstacles and find my footing. I understood the value of having connections and a network in a foreign country. It became clear that those without such support faced even greater difficulties in finding a job and adjusting to their new surroundings.

Overcoming Challenges:

Despite the setbacks, I refused to give up. After a relentless search, I finally secured a job as a kitchen hand, even though I had no previous experience in cooking or culinary skills. I embraced the opportunity to learn and grow, knowing that each hurdle was a chance for personal development.

Worries about Tuition Fees:

As time went on, I became increasingly worried about the high cost of tuition fees. Paying over 15,000 per semester seemed overwhelming, and I constantly fretted about managing my education expenses. This struggle highlighted the financial hardships faced by many international students studying in Australia.

Lessons Learned:

My journey as an international student in Australia has taught me valuable lessons that I believe can help others in similar situations. Here are some key insights I gained:

The importance of connections: Building a network and making relationships in a foreign country can provide crucial support and assistance.

Embracing challenges: Every obstacle is an opportunity for personal growth. By embracing new experiences, even if they seem intimidating, I can develop new skills and surpass my limitations.

Financial planning: Careful financial planning and exploring opportunities like scholarships or part-time work can ease the burden of expensive tuition fees.

Seeking guidance: Making use of the resources available at my university, such as student support services or career centers, has been immensely helpful in navigating the challenges of finding a job and managing my finances.


My experience as an international student in Australia has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. The journey has had its fair share of hardships and successes, but throughout it all, I discovered my inner strength and resilience. By utilizing my connections, embracing challenges, and seeking support, I managed to overcome the obstacles that came my way. My personal journey stands as a testament to the determination and courage of international students who venture abroad to pursue their dreams.

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